6 million tons of coffee waste are produced in the US, every year.

At Blazin' Joe, we're on a mission to revolutionize the way we view spent coffee grounds. When coffee grounds are discarded in landfills, they release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This not only contributes to landfill space usage but also leads to groundwater acidification.

Coffee, however, is an amazing fuel.

Blazin’ Joe takes these spent coffee grounds and upcycles them into all-natural firelogs and fire starters. Our coffee fire products burn hotter than traditional wood, elevating your fires with a blazing, long-lasting warmth that's perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Best of all, our firelogs and starters contain no harmful chemicals, ensuring your peace of mind as you enjoy the mesmerizing glow while steering clear of the unpleasant chemical scents commonly found in artificial logs.

Our ultimate goal is to close the loop in the coffee industry, making it truly circular. By choosing Blazin' Joe's coffee-fueled fires, you're not only embracing the joys of sustainable fires but also actively participating in reducing spent coffee grounds.

We invite you to explore our range of firelogs and starters and experience the magic of Blazin' Joe for yourself. Whether it's a cozy indoor evening or a spirited outdoor gathering with loved ones, let Blazin' Joe kindle your fire and ignite your passion for sustainability.

Join us in making coffee waste a thing of the past.

Learn more about our journey here: